Amy Pica

Total Number of Gifts: 271
Total Value of Gifts: $258,914.59

Special Thanks To

Ms. Natalie Richardson

Rev. Msgr. Brian K. Brownsey

Mr. Jason Thramer

Mr. Shoaibullah Rasouli

Mr. Daniel Joseph Anderson

Mr. Joshua Villareal Hunt

Eric M.

Brian & Ann Shamblen

Ms. Hannah Cuttell

Miss Sherry L. Capazo

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

The Reality...

85% of Catholic college students stop going to church when they get to college and the 2nd leading cause of death on a college campus is suicide. Nearly half of students come from broken families and have reported feeling so depressed that they had trouble functioning.

Most of the world's future leaders are currently studying in the U.S. The next generation of leadership will continue to have tremendous influence and spread the gospel wherever God leads them after college.

College Students are asking some of the biggest questions pertaining to identity and purpose. "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What am I made for?"

What we do...

FOCUS is a national outreach that sends teams of missionaries to college campuses to introduce students to the love of Christ. We meet college students where they are at and invite them to examine the meaning and purpose of their lives.

Since 1998, FOCUS has grown to over 250 missionaries serving nearly 60 campuses.

FOCUS has fostered countless religious vocations.

How we reach Students...

*Win them over through genuine friendships.
*Build up their personal relationship with Christ and their knowledge of the Catholic church.
*Send them out to evangelize their peers.

*Large group outreach-events, conferences and retreats that foster relationships and provide fun, social and spiritual growth.
*Bible Studies-facilitating small group discussion, aid students in understanding and applying scripture and other Catholic teachings to their lives.
*One-on-one Mentoring-Personal investment in the lives of students, modeling Christ's love and guidance. Teaching them how to live out their faith in the midst of life's everyday demands and distractions.

Each FOCUS staff is responsible to raise 100% of the needed funding to cover their ministry and personal expenses like rent, health insurance, groceries, etc...Please prayerfully consider joining me in this mission as a monthly supporter!!!
If you have any questions or want to contact me about my missionary work with FOCUS:


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